January 20 - February 18, 2023
Freight+Volume, New York, NY
Album is a show about the peculiar and embodied act of making and seeing a painting. At radically different scales—as small as one’s phone screen to as wide as six feet of social distance—Rooney’s paintings compel the viewer to look and to feel in person, to move their body up close, then far away, and close again. As though adjusting the resolution, viewers may discern detail within each painting, or the choreography between the works as they playfully inhabit the gallery’s architecture.
This embodied experience of viewing, where zooming-in and zooming-out yield different information, underscores Rooney’s ongoing fascination with scale as both a formal and conceptual tool for grounding the medium of painting IRL amid the homogenizing forces of our digital screens.
OBJ 0923
Oil on canvas
40 in x 40 in

OBJ 1115
Oil on linen and canvas
50 in x 50 in
OBJ 0526
Acrylic on wood panel
10 x 10 in

OBJ 1001
Oil on canvas
40 in x 40 in
OBJ 0801
Oil on wood panel
10 in x 10 in

OBJ 0316
Oil on linen and canvas
50 in x 50 in

OBJ 1117
Oil on canvas
32 in x 32 in
OBJ 0115
Oil in linen
2 x 2 in

OBJ 1104
Oil on canvas
72 in x 72 in
OBJ 0609
Oil on wood panel
10 x 10 in
OBJ 1211
Oil and latex paint on canvas
40 in x 40 in
OBJ 1208
Oil on Canvas
2h x 2w in

OBJ 0226
Latex paint, acrylic, oil and linoleum tile on canvas
72 in x 72 in